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16 - 19 October

Project ArtBeat

17 - 20 May, 2018, Georgia

Tbilisi, Georgia

Established in 2014 by Natia Bukia, Natia Chkhartishvili and Salome Vakhania Project ArtBeat is contemporary art gallery based in Tbilisi, Georgia. The focus of the gallery is upon mid-career and emerging artists from Georgia and abroad. Our aim is to promote carefully selected Georgian and international artists to the international community through our online platform and international art fairs and to foster cultural activities within the country through our Moving Gallery and international collaborations. Project ArtBeat’s experimental pop up space, a Moving Gallery, which is a shipping container moves to a different location for each site-specific exhibition introducing contemporary art to peripheral regions of Georgia where museums and galleries don't function. In addition to its online art platform and Moving Gallery, in 2017 Project ArtBeat decided to open a permanent space in the heart of the old town of Tbilisi, to widen its program. 

Artists presented

Avto Meskhi

Beso Uznadze

Gio Sumbadze

Gvantsa Jishkariani

Tamar Chaduneli

David Meskhi

Gallery webpage