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16 - 19 October

E.A. Shared Space

22 - 25 September, 2022, Georgia


Contact information:

Address:10/2 Pavle Ingorokva St, Tbilisi 0108 

Phone: +995577444887


Artists presented

Image title

Sophie Jung, sænətrɔːiəm, 2021, Installation detail.

E.A. Shared Space, Tbilisi


Mariana Chkonia

Jesse Darling

Sophie Jung

Jala Wahid 


Booth C9 presents a selection of works from E.A. Shared Space program including newly commissioned works by Tbilisi-based artist Mariana Chkonia. 

Image title

Jala Wahid Aion of Sidon, 2020, PLA, jesmonite20 x 22 x 19 cm