Lounge Cabaret Mañana by Yves Bartlett and Arslane Smirnov
22- 25 September
ExpoGeorgia, 11th Hall
118 Tsereteli Avenue
« Cabaret Manaña » is a 3-day-long performance inviting visitors spend a moment in slowness together with the artist’s works and performances.
Using classics from lounge music and large-size drawings, Yves Bartlett and Arslane Smirnov want to create this irresistible attraction to sofas - like a vulture attracted by the weak lamb, or the drinker by the hydroalcoholic gel.
Yves Bartlett yvesbartlett.com bartlettyves@gmail.com instagram.com/yvesbartlett
Arslane Smirnov instagram.com/arslane.smirnov cargocollective.com/arslanesmirnov