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11 - 14 April

Taf and International Women in Photo Association

ExpoGeorgia, 11th Hall
118 Tsereteli Avenue

International Women in Photo Association (IWPA) addresses issues of gender equality, aiming to promote women's voices by providing visibility to women photographers. IWPA is committed towards concrete actions for change: it supports female storytellers through its annually organized IWPA award, as well as through education and mentoring programs. 

IWPA and TAF are pleased to present you five of the recent years finalists and laureate, coming from countries that are in the focus of TAF. This is an important step towards IWPA’s goal, that is to promote the work of women visual storytellers from all origins, while sharing with global audiences diverse stories about the realities of men and women of our planet.

An itinerant exposition is also currently showcasing the works of the Awardees of 2022 in Dubai, Paris, Tokyo, Almería, Geneva. 

The stories that are told by the artists presented at TAF 2022, wherever personal, or rooted in the political and social context of their country, resonate in each of us, no matter who we are or where we live. They are Maryam Firuzi, Huda Abdulmughni, Marta Zgierska, Natela Grigalashvili, Dina Oganova.

All the works presented at TAF can be purchased.

Do not hesitate to inquire about sizes and editions available.