Baia Sikharulidze
11 - 14 April, 2024, Georgia
Baia Sikharulidze is an artist from Tbilisi, Georgia. She was born in Tbilisi, graduated from Tbilisi
State Art Academy in 1998. where she currently works, in the direction of graphics, and is a
doctoral student of the theoretical faculty (cultural studies). She is interested in cinematography,
studied directing courses.
Despite the fact that the artist has always worked in graphics, her main form of public
expression is performance and action, which served as an internal, artistic protest.
For Baia Sikharulidze, visualization is the most important way of self-development. Without this
path, life is monotonous. At this stage, Baia is working on a project where where one of the
leading are three-dimensional objects. Her themes are the connection between dimensions,
transformation, and the other world.

"The Dance" 2024
170X120 cm mixed media: pencil, acrylic, paper
1000 $